Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Random stuff from work part 2

Bugs: My co-workers from hell have a sick sense of humor.  Over the past 5 years (that’s how long I have been working at this *cough* job), have taken some rather sick pictures of things they find out in the yard.  I will save you the graphic nature of some of these pictures, but they have been known to be such things as dead possums, birds, black widows that one worker had caught in a plastic bottle, then froze to see if they would come back to life (no they don’t, only fly’s do that) flattened kittens, road kill dogs, and some very nice/odd art work on train cars and yes bathroom locations in the yard.  We have these and many more pictures saved on the drive at work…thinking of making a calendar out of them…Odd things “OUR COMPANY” Finds While Working in the Yard.  Think it will catch on?

Well back to why I started this, last week I was sitting here working when I was looking at the screen then just happened to look down and saw something move near my foot.  Now the last time I saw something move near my foot it was a small field mouse that was looking for food…that wasn’t the case this time around.  No, I wish it was as that must after it have me a heart attack was really kinda cute.  No this was the biggest BUG I have ever seen.  I made me jump so far back that I thought I was dreaming when I saw the size of it again.  It had to be and I kid you not, 2 inches long, if not longer (its size, which may reach 2-inches in length).  Now I have had 3 things scare me while at work so far, a spider that was tormenting me, later I found out it was some kind of jumping spider with a blue face on its back), the mouse and now this giant bug Called the Jerusalem Cricket.  I sent the text to my sister, boss and Hollands Daddy to see if someone could possibly tell me what kind of horrific thing I was dealing with.  While waiting (curled up on my chair watching it from a distance) I noticed 2 things, nothing tossed at it scares it but sunlight does.  It walked around the whole booth trying to get away from this very thin line of sun that was trailing in the doorway.  I figured ok, I need to get it out and fast.  The thing tried to get into my bag!  I was freaking out, how do I get it out??????  Ok, bathroom has a broom…runs to bathroom, gets broom…check phone still no text back…where did bug go?  Shit!  Ok, there it is behind microwave cart.

Wait for bug to come out; tries to get itself trapped by door…dumb ass bug go away already!  Walks out from door, slide door open as fast as it can, hit with broom, hit again and again, push it outside…dang it’s on the sidewalk, nooooo don’t go back in the booth…hit it again into the driveway…ok bug in the street on its back.  Hmm it’s not moving, did the sun kill it?  Watch it for a minute, OMG IT’S MOVING! Back on its legs, stops, looks around, starts walking towards cars…NO!!  Ok, so now this bug, yes I took pictures of this huge thing, is not walking in the sun that it tried to escape from the booth.  My sister finally texts me back and tells me that it’s some kind of  Jerusalem Cricket  that co-worker from hell (at night) found and put in the booth to scare co-worker from hell (day) only the bug didn’t listen and came out before I had to go home so she could find it.  Stupid bug!  STUPID PEOPLE!  I hate people that try to scare other people with bugs!  IT’S A BIG, PEOPLE FIND THEM ALL THE TIME, DOESN’T MEAN WE WANT TO SAVE THEM FOR OTHER PEOPLE TO FIND!  Yes I will be posting pictures of everything I have mentioned this this blog.

The spider that was playing with me.

One of my ex-coworkers toys

Some of the animals they bring back to me

Yep, some of these can be funny to see on trains



Day shift coworkers saw fly porn, they later killed said fly's

On the side of a train

The bottle that went into the freezer

Poor ghosty

There was no one around at the time, or does this pertain to the people we work with?

Random stuff from work

Ok this is VERY long, but funny...

I’m sitting here at work and many odd things keep flooding my mind and believe it or not work is not 1 of them.

I am typing out my many random thoughts right now and hopefully I can make some kind of funny blog about each of them later or just one really crazy blog.

Let me just start out by saying that even though my sister and I work for the same company, we neither see each other or work together.  That being said, this company sucks worse than donkey turds rotting in the sun.  I come in this morning after many signs told me to just stay home.  See last week was my birthday and while I left the house feeling less than normal, I went home after just 2 gawd awful hours of work if you can even call it that.  I started doing my reports (that’s what I do for 8 hours a day) and after an hour of doing this I started feeling a little quizy.  I was trying so hard to keep whatever foreign life forms from coming back up in the in-side on my body and after 1 ½ hours of failing this it all came out in a rush.

After word I cleaned up my stuff, put it all in the car and waited for my boss to come in at 6:30am.  I then clocked out; walked to his car and told him I was going home very sick.  I spent half the day sleeping it off, the rest of the day not getting the rest that I would have liked to have gotten…why?  My family doesn’t want me to rest either on my birthday or when I’m feeling so very sick.  I was then forced to try and eat dinner, which again didn’t want to sit too well.  I went to bed early, got up and worked the next day.

Today I come in and there’s only 1 car in the parking lot. I found out that one of the people that have been making my life at work and recently home pure hell called off…go figure day after Christmas who wants to work?  I look through my email and find out the other person who has made my life hell also called off the same day.  Hmmm very oddish, NOT (well not if you know these 2 like we do). Sitting here waiting for my boss to come in (didn’t know he was taking this whole week off, MUST BE NICE!), the other 2 people show up on my shift, again the person from hell “texts” that she is still very sick and will not be in today again.  Hmmm so not only did she take Christmas off, with pay, she’s also taken the 2 days after that off.  Nice.
So the work from this weekend was very lacking, except for the shift my sister works on, the only shift to really do any work this whole weekend…thank you for the 37 reports!

Other mindless things running through my head, I just looked at the calendar and noticed that this is going to be a leap year…HAPPY LEAP YEAR EVERYONE!  So what does this mean…the world is due to end on you guessed it, MY BIRTHDAY!  Not just my birthday but my 40th BIRTHDAY!  YIPPIE!  NOT!  With the whole leap year thing, does that mean it goes the 365 days or the full 366 days?  I’m confused; do I die on the day I was born or the day before?  Do I have 1 extra day to go into more debt?  Someone please give me some answers! (For those of you who believe the world will end…) You have 365/366 days to do as much damage to your credit score as you possibly can, that will help the Government pay the taxes to those who need it to get into the afterlife.  So go out, charge everything, don’t pay for anything with cash, just say yes to plastic! Buy that new car, house, boat; gun…money is no object as you won’t be around long enough to really have to worry about it.  Bill collectors don’t start calling you until you’re at least 6 months behind so you have plenty of time to change your number, (buy a new cell for that), move (buy a new house for this), change cars (remove the gps/lojac and on-star before non-payment), buy a house boat, find an island to hide it on…do as much as you can to help!

For those of you that believe Zombies will take over, please check out this song, Zombie Apocalypse, my 2 year old just loves it.

Other nonsense:

Shuffle…when you put in a bunch of random music on your iPod, Zune, or other music device, you expect it to play some random stuff…what you don’t expect is it to go from Britney Spears, to Godsmack, to Chevelle, to Life house, to Faith Hill then to Snoop Dogg, Eminem, Backstreet Boys, Bullets for my Valentine and back to Britney only to jump through more odd stuff after that.  Yes we do really have Backstreet Boys and Britney on the Zune. Lol

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Family part 2!

So I had such a great response with my first blog, thank you for the comments.

Here’s is part 2 of my life and family.

I’m sure some of you have looked into my sister’s blog by now and if you haven’t I insist that you go check it out right now, yes I’ll still be here when you’re done….back?  Ok good, so now that you’ve read her blog on Marriage let me tell you about mine.

Yes I know that I have only been married for a month but let me tell you about the father of my older kids…yes he is different from my present husband, I know shocker right?  Naw, I couldn’t fool you, as you’re smarter than that (I hope).  Well my first “husband” (why the quotes? getting to that…) It all started dang 20 years ago (now I feel old, thanks!). My (at the time) best friend had this guy that she liked but hooked me up with him, still not sure why she would get mad over the fact that we did hit it off so well but she did.  After he and I met we were stuck on each other. After a few months we discovered I was pregnant and we rushed down and got “married” in a real Church and everything.  The Church was on a street in Rosemead called Hellman (kinda funny if you think about it).

The pastor who performed the ceremony (after I tried to walk back out of the Church) filled out the license and where it says date, instead of putting the “date” on it changed the 4 to a 1 and scribbled the 4 out.   Now you would think that on a legal document that this would not be a good thing, yep you’re right.  The State of California did not like this and asked us to fix it.  Yeah umm sure thing, let me just run back down, get more papers, have them filled out again, without mistakes then mail them back to you.  As you can guess this didn’t happen, hey I was still in school and yeah teenagers are lazy.

So the paperwork was never fixed and we had our bouncing little boy (who now stands 6’5" hence why I called him Too Tall for my blogs). After he was born a year and 16 days later I gave birth to my daughter, a pain from day 1 I tell you.  My son was perfect, slept through the night, didn’t cry much, was a happy baby; my daughter never slept, cried all the time, wanted everything…pretty much still does lol.

Skip ahead to our 10 year “anniversary”.  Me wanting out of the “loving” marriage by this point went down to see if it had been filled way back when.  They sent me this neat little letter (which I still have lol) telling me that there was no record of our marriage.  So what’s that mean?  YES I’M FREE WITHOUT A MESSY DIVORCE!  So I move out, leaving him in a apartment where he was at the time working and I move in to a house with some rather old people (never again!).  He then loses his job, gets kicked out of the complex and yes I felt bad for him so I let him come live with me.  I started dating a guy I had known for a few years as a good friend and then got a job near my mom’s house and decided to move in with her and my kids (who were by choice living with her). So their father “Packer Lover” moved with me.  Yes I was very openly dating the other guy “Mr. Macho” and when Packer Lover discovered that I wasn’t going to take him back he moved back with his mother and Mr. Macho and I had a great time, ok so not so great if you ask anyone who saw us together.

While living with my mom I met Billy-Jo-Bob, Skinny Twig, Goth Boy, Teddy, Jitters and Italian/French kid.  Skinny Twig had a friend who needed my help, Hollands Daddy (who was married to Scattered Brain) but needed to move his stuff to Skinny Twigs mom’s friends’ house (where they all lived at the time). Hollands Daddy, Billy-Jo-Bob and Skinny Twig and I all hung out and became great friends.  Hollands Daddy wanted to date but since he was married I kept telling him no…I do have morals people, sheesh.

He and I hit it off great, I did have a few sparks for him but I’m smarter than to go after someone with a paper attached even if she isn’t and I was smart.  He after a year went back with her and long story short went home to his home State, Nebraska.  After 3 years of trying to contact him though Army Girl, he finally answered back, flew out here in less than a month after his divorce was final and as of Jan 8th 2008 we started “dating”.  He went back home, packed up his stuff and had moved here in less than a month.  A few months later we discovered I was pregnant with Boo…after we decided to not have kids (that’s another blog completely). Long story (yes I know it has been so far) shortened, it took us the next 3 years to finally get married. So here we are now, 1 big “happy” family.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A little about me and my family

Let me introduce myself and why I use the name My Holland Hugs.  For those of you that don’t know me; and I would say that’s quite a lot as I don’t have many friends; my Holland Hugs comes from a poem/story describing what it’s like to be blessed with a child with Down Syndrome.  Blessed I say, not cursed as so many people would think as I will explain in my blogs.

My name is Nada (long first “aaa”, short second a), but for reasons as no one can pronounce my name correctly I choose to use my middle name for dang near everything, Kathy.  Please do not call me Kathleen, as even though it is my full middle name I can’t stand it when someone calls me Kathleen…person reasons but I don’t need to get into the long ago dead past.  On with the future!

I am the mother of 3 (at times) wonderful children, yes I can admit that at times I want to strangle my 2 older ones, but then they do stuff that surprises me and makes me proud.  See they were both diagnosed with ADHD at a very early age and over the years have developed more umm what’s the word, not disabilities but life struggles.  I won’t call them disabilities because I personally think that if they wanted to overcome them they could, a disability is something that can’t be overcome.  My older one, a 19 year old we’ll called him Too Tall; he is Bi-polar, ADHD, and has Anger issues…but then what teenager doesn’t right?  My daughter, we’ll call her Twitchy, she’s 18; is ADHD, OCD, Manic Depression and toss in a little Control freak.  The baby, who just turned the big 2, we’ll use one of his nick names, Boo; he’s the reason for the name My Holland Hugs.  He was born with Down Syndrome.

I will be talking mostly about him in my blogs mainly because it would be pointless to call my blog My Holland Hugs if I didn’t talk about him in some way…this doesn’t mean the rest of my loving family won’t be talked about in some way.  To complete my family I just recently got married (1 month ago) to the baby’s father, Hollands Daddy or The Holland Ringleader (if he ever gets around to finishing one of his blogs lol).  He came in with some baggage of his own, 3 other kids that we don’t see very often as I’m sure he may take about at some point in his blogs.

That’s my small family, outside of the house hold there’s my sister, Damn It, Woman (great blogger), her husband Caption Awesome, my mother Mrs. Okay (read my sister’s blog on Marriage to find out why those names) and my new Sister in Law (she calls me her sister and her brother the in-law), Army Girl.

Now I don’t want my first blog to get too long so I’m going to cut it off here so…to be continued.

Thank you for reading,
My Holland Hugs

P.S. If you haven't already figured it out, I'm really new to the whole blogging thing.  I could use a few pointers if your willing to send them to me. :0)