Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A little about me and my family

Let me introduce myself and why I use the name My Holland Hugs.  For those of you that don’t know me; and I would say that’s quite a lot as I don’t have many friends; my Holland Hugs comes from a poem/story describing what it’s like to be blessed with a child with Down Syndrome.  Blessed I say, not cursed as so many people would think as I will explain in my blogs.

My name is Nada (long first “aaa”, short second a), but for reasons as no one can pronounce my name correctly I choose to use my middle name for dang near everything, Kathy.  Please do not call me Kathleen, as even though it is my full middle name I can’t stand it when someone calls me Kathleen…person reasons but I don’t need to get into the long ago dead past.  On with the future!

I am the mother of 3 (at times) wonderful children, yes I can admit that at times I want to strangle my 2 older ones, but then they do stuff that surprises me and makes me proud.  See they were both diagnosed with ADHD at a very early age and over the years have developed more umm what’s the word, not disabilities but life struggles.  I won’t call them disabilities because I personally think that if they wanted to overcome them they could, a disability is something that can’t be overcome.  My older one, a 19 year old we’ll called him Too Tall; he is Bi-polar, ADHD, and has Anger issues…but then what teenager doesn’t right?  My daughter, we’ll call her Twitchy, she’s 18; is ADHD, OCD, Manic Depression and toss in a little Control freak.  The baby, who just turned the big 2, we’ll use one of his nick names, Boo; he’s the reason for the name My Holland Hugs.  He was born with Down Syndrome.

I will be talking mostly about him in my blogs mainly because it would be pointless to call my blog My Holland Hugs if I didn’t talk about him in some way…this doesn’t mean the rest of my loving family won’t be talked about in some way.  To complete my family I just recently got married (1 month ago) to the baby’s father, Hollands Daddy or The Holland Ringleader (if he ever gets around to finishing one of his blogs lol).  He came in with some baggage of his own, 3 other kids that we don’t see very often as I’m sure he may take about at some point in his blogs.

That’s my small family, outside of the house hold there’s my sister, Damn It, Woman (great blogger), her husband Caption Awesome, my mother Mrs. Okay (read my sister’s blog on Marriage to find out why those names) and my new Sister in Law (she calls me her sister and her brother the in-law), Army Girl.

Now I don’t want my first blog to get too long so I’m going to cut it off here so…to be continued.

Thank you for reading,
My Holland Hugs

P.S. If you haven't already figured it out, I'm really new to the whole blogging thing.  I could use a few pointers if your willing to send them to me. :0)


  1. Woo hoo! Welcome to the cult! (Also, it's "Captain", not "Caption." lol.)

  2. Love this! I can't wait to read more :) Post lots!

  3. Well said well said, but i think you should change Twitchys name to Ms talkalot!

  4. Im loving this, I see a writer and book coming in the future!! Can't wait to read more !!
