Wednesday, January 2, 2013

This is your system on Depression

First, just let me say I'm a little upset now. I had this perfect blog typed and published, then because the preview showed me something I didn't like I closed the window and now it's all gone, so I'm a little worse off than I was before...that being said this is a second attempt to make this blog.

(these next few pictures are from a blog I will post below)

I'm making this blog very personal, something I have done int he past but to this level.

People that have depression, can't tell another person what they feel and have that person understand it.  So in an attempt to help those who don't fully understand I am going to the internet and posting some articles I have found so far.

Article #1:

A girl (I think) was asking how she can help her friend.

How do depressed people feel inside?
I know it sounds like a stupid question, they are obviously feeling down. But one of my close friends is a manic depressive and he always says I’ll never understand how he's feeling. When i ask him to tell me he doesn't. I want to try and understand him, so i was wondering if anyone has had experience with anything like this so i could maybe at least try to understand him. I want to help him.

Here are a few answers they received:

1. When I’m depressed I feel like somebody close to me just died. I feel heavy and weighed down and my heart and stomach actually hurt. I want to cry over everything and can’t take any kind of stress without a having a meltdown.

2. I've been depressed and I can tell you that it's really awful. Everything looks really bleak, you look at yourself and wonder why you even bother because life doesn't feel worth getting up in the morning for and you would rather be dead than carry on. You look at the future and instead of seeing a way out, you just see a load of closed doors.

You can't handle your life anymore, the slightest thing makes you want to cry and never get up again, and you feel stressed all the time and speak to people in ways that normally you wouldn't. You kind of distance yourself from people because you think they won't understand.

You don't feel any motivation anymore to do anything constructive or worthwhile, because it all seems so pointless.

3. Read Kat reply she has it summed up, well almost. It causes you to feel like you want to shut the world out, do not want to speak to anyone, not even shopkeepers. Want to spend time alone. Low self-worth to, because you’re so depressed, the depressed person doesn't care about themselves much, appearance etc. life feels numb to the person, like you’re a tiny ant in a big wasps nest. That’s how i would describe it. Also the days just roll into one and never seem to end, and when you sleep at night you pray that you don't wake up the next morning, all the day to day fight has gone from you, just going through the motions. Unless you've had it yourself, you could never possibly understand what it’s like for that person. Also the person does not want sympathy, as they feel patronized by it, just try to be normal with them and be there when they need you, but don't push or you will alienate the person too. But well done Kat almost spot on.

4. Like nothing ever goes right for them. They feel low, gloomy, sad, miserable, and feel like even though their lives seem to be quite perfect (they might be attractive, have a nice background, have a good job) they still don't feel happy. They usually feel people expect them to be something and that puts huge pressure on them to be "perfect" and they are overly-critical. 

The truth is, if you're not depressed, you never WILL understand someone who is depressed. It's best off if you are just there for your friend when he needs you. He will thoroughly appreciate your friendship.

5. Mental illnesses are hard to sum up and although I know you’re trying to help your friend but he may find it frustrating and think your trying to make it out to be a small problem and one feeling. I suffered from depression from the age of 15 and you can read about my experience if you click on my profile and my answered questions. 

Tell your friend that although you can only try to understand how he is feeling and you may never really know that you’re always there for him and he can always talk to you.

Don't probe too much and he will naturally start to talk to you when he is feeling comfortable giving you a better understanding.  You are a true friend and you are doing all you can even doing research but your friend must help himself first

Article #2:

The reason for this blog. For the past 3 almost 4 years I have been suffering from some form of depression. The past year or so has been getting worse.  I'm on the verge of tears, I hate going to work, I hate going home from work and I hate leaving after I get home. The only thing that has made me feel somewhat human is Anthony sitting in my lap, looking at me and smiling. Once he's off my lap, it all returns. 

I am told almost daily that I can switch my mood into a better mood whenever I feel like it and that I choose to be depressed.  I say something and get told I'm wrong, then if that isn't good enough, he goes online and proves to me that I'm wrong, even if I'm half right I'm still wrong. 

I'm depressed, nothing can change my mood, nothing has made it better and telling me that I'm not giving you what you want isn't making me feel better. My feelings are not about you but the way you make me feel makes it worse. I can't show romantic feelings when I don't feel romantic. I've bee married for a little over a year, I should be happy and I'm not. I should want to go home and be with him and I don't.  I shouldn't want to cry all the time, always on the verge and sometimes one sneaks out when I can't hold it back anymore.  I cry over everything, EVERYTHING!

I watch sad movies and can't cry, I read a sad story and can't stop crying.

What is the cause of all this?  I have no clue. Some of it is caused from the medication I have to take for the rest of my life...yes the rest of my life.  My thyroid medication can cause depression and does with most people that take it.  So no I can't switch my mood to make myself happy.  I would like to meet someone that can...until then I'm waiting for the test results from my doctor to see where we go next.


  1. as for the guy you were talking about with manic depression better known as bi-polar disorder my daughter has that and so does her 18 year old daughter. my daughter if you need help for this guy is on my site (panic and anxiety suffers , depression her name is rebecca valdes she is the co-admin on the site. hope we can help. i like your blog.

    may God bless you and your friend


  2. Hello sir, How are you today?

    This article will help everyone to know so much important information about on's best off if you are just there for your friend when he needs you. It is very alternative for people and helpful to anybody. You may know me by it Do you know Mental disorders symptoms? This blog motivates depressed people to get better by positive thinking and urges them to change their thought pattern and to feel strong. A greater focus is on the topic of teenage depression and help for adults who had depression as early in the teenage This blog also helps people with anxiety and other mental health disorders..

    Thanks for the great post.

    1. SHOAB, thank you for your comment. I'm not male but thank you for such kinds words. The blog is about myself and I took parts from other sites and posted the areas I felt belonged in here.

      I suffer from Depression as well as most of my family. I just recently started taking medication for it, but other family members have been on it and some are currently taking it. I should have been put on them years ago but felt I could control it without medication and only recently felt like I was losing that control and went to get help for it.

      Depression hits everyone at some point in their lives, only some don't recover as easily as others and need help. I was hoping that by posting this, they can get help and let their family members and friends know...that just isn't an easy way out of some things and we need understanding and support from them.
