Thursday, September 6, 2012

Things That Annoy Me ~ Thursday

I am jumping on the band wagon so to speak.

I just saw this blog Things That Annoy Me Thursday and I just had to start it myself as there are a ton of things that can annoy everyone but no one really talks about them.

Ok so here it goes.

My Things That Annoy Me Thursday list.

Your at work and people that walk by your door every few seconds to see what your doing or not doing but never say hi to you or ask how your doing. (This happens almost daily where I am. The boss, manager, not even sure what to call him really, walks from his office, down the 20 foot hallway past my door and back. The most I've seen him do this was 20 times in less than 2 minutes. What could you possibly be doing on the other side of my office and why do you need to go back and forth that often? I mean COMON!)

I'm not a dumb person, but people always treat me like I am.

My boss. He tells me that he will find me more work to do, then 5 minutes before I get to clock out sends me a crap load of stuff but nothing during the whole rest of the day when I had NOTHING to do.

People that have nice new cars and don't take care of them so they look like crap. Wash your cars people!

Ok, so now you should do the whole Annoying thing blog and link it to the blog at the top. We all have them, get to it! 8:0)

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